To keep your treatment system operating trouble-free and at peak performance, we recommend maintaining your irrigation area, renewing your service agreement, using cleaning products that are safe for septics and spreading your wash loads over 6-7 days where possible.

Maintenance tips to reduce costs
Please avoid using garbage disposal units in sinks when disposing of foreign objects (newspapers, sanitary napkins, plastics, etc) into the system. DO NOT use strong caustic, alkalis, oils, acids, bleaches, disinfectants or chemical detergents. These items kill the purifying bacteria, cause bad odors and damage the workings of the system.
Please DO NOT Exceed the maximum design load or subject the system to hydraulic shock loads. System power should never be switched off as this will cause it to fail.
If foaming occurs, you can reduce this by adding a tablespoon of crushed bath soap to your washing powder.
After wiping down tiles, sinks, and baths, rinse the cloth in a bucket then discard the contents in the yard, not in the system. When the alarm sounds PLEASE refer to the fault finding section in the handbook before calling us.
If you have any problems or questions call us on 1300 789 588 or refer to our troubleshooting guide.
Plants that can be used
The following list is intended to provide a selection of trees, shrubs, and other plants which may be considered suitable for the surface irrigation disposal area. However, because of the wide climate and soil variations, it is essential that further investigation be made with your local plant nursery before finalising your plant choice to suit your particular locality and site conditions.
Willow Myrtle (5 - 6 meters)
Cootamundra Wattle (3 - 6 meters)
River She-oak (6 - 10 meters)
Red Bottlebrush (3 - 6 meters)
Sydney Blue Gum (15 - 20 meters)
River Red Gum (15 - 20 meters)
Native Frangipani (3 - 5 meters)
Coastal Tea Tree (5 - 6 meters)
Broad Paperbark (5 - 7 meters)
Gossamer Wattle (2 - 4 meters)
Flinders Range Wattle (2 - 3 meters)
Umbrella Grass (1 - 5 meters)
Hebe Veronica (1 - 2 meters)
Cuphea (30cm - 1 meter)
Geraldton Wax (50cm - 4 meters)
Chinese Impatiens
Vinca Major
Ajuga Reptans Rubra
Apple Mint
Japanese Honeysuckle
Black Eyed Susan
Silver Prince
Purple Coral Pea
Snake Vine
Jasminum Grandiflorum
Common Jasmine
Dusky Coral Pea